Cheryl Smith
Cheryl Smith

Western Primary School Headteacher retires

21 February 2019

Cheryl Smith has decided to retire as Western Primary School headteacher.

Retiring will mean a very big adjustment for Cheryl who has lived and breathed Western for the last 16 years.

Under Cheryl’s leadership the school has become hugely popular through her focus on providing the very best education for every child within a caring and nurturing environment.

Cheryl said:

It is going to be very difficult to leave such a fantastic ‘family’ at Western however the time is now right, both for myself personally and for the school, to consider new horizons and have the opportunity to travel.

As well as leading the school, Cheryl instigated and was a founding member of the Red Kite Learning Trust and has been heavily involved in the development of this new Multi Academy Trust. Cheryl built on the work she had already been doing for many years in the Red Kite Alliance where she had a leadership position as part of the Steering Group. Cheryl’s commitment to working in partnership and her professional generosity has been combined with her everyday presence in Western, taking an interest in every child.

The Chair of the Red Kite Learning Trust is Jim McHugh.

Jim McHugh said:

Cheryl has been a truly remarkable headteacher and it has been a privilege to work with her in our Trust; her dedication and expertise has made a positive difference to many, many children.

The future for the school however is bright. The culture of success that Cheryl has developed over time with the support of her governors and now the Red Kite Learning Trust, is deeply embedded and will support the new Headteacher, when appointed, in continuing to reach new heights.

Cheryl said:

The new Headteacher will be able to look forward to working with a very committed Leadership Team along with dynamic and talented staff who, every day, strive to provide the very best for the wonderful children and families in our Western Community.

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