Pupils at Willow Tree Primary School have got off to a successful start to their 2019 sporting achievements by testing their skills at a number of local events.
Eight children from Year 4 competed against eleven other teams in the Indoor Athletics Event at Harrogate High School last month involving a number of track and field challenges. The children showed great determination and their hard paid off resulting in second place and being awarded with runners-up certificates.
Our year 5 and 6’s showed off their skills competing in boccia against two other teams coming second place. This involved trying to get soft balls nearest to a target whilst sitting on a chair – something they luckily had time to practice beforehand!
The teams then had another success in the kurling competition coming second against five other teams. This was a new sport to all members of the team but they showed exceptional team work and made sure they were evaluating their performance after each game.
The children had a great time with pupils commenting.
Martha said:
It was really fun and good to work as a team with other Year 5’s and 6’s.
Heather enthused She enjoyed trying something that she would probably never have had the opportunity to try.

The determination paid off when Willow Tree pupils were recognised for their sportsmanship by receiving six out of twelve awards presented for areas such as showing resilience, respect and great team work – a fantastic result all round!
The latest competition was a Tchoukball tournament where eight year 5 and 6 pupils competed against eight other teams coming second overall. One of the children also earned a sporting value wristband for Respect much to the delight of her team mates.
Sports lead at Willow Tree, Steve Reed, said:
We’re incredibly proud of the determination and team work our children show at the all the events they compete in.
We’ve seen some great results to date and being presented with a number of sporting value awards is a clear demonstration of the positive attitude and behaviour our pupils consistently show.