Yorkshire in Bloom judges are dusting off their clipboards and sharpening up their pencils as they prepare for visiting communities across the county beginning their summer assessments in early July.
Over 230 communities, schools and businesses are taking part this year in Yorkshire in Bloom and all have worked very hard in the hope of making a good impression on judging day.
Yorkshire in Bloom is the voluntary regional organisation which administers the Royal Horticultural Society Britain in Bloom campaign in the area and encourages communities to create lasting improvements to their local environment. Despite its title, it’s not all about hanging baskets, although they do feature a lot!
In addition to “blooming up” their local area, residents and voluntary groups can show the judges environmental projects they have been working on and showing community participation at its very best is also a very important element of the campaign. The Royal Horticultural Society encourages all communities to get involved to help create safer, cleaner and greener local environments.
School gardens are being visited now before the summer holidays begin and, perhaps, our young green fingered gardeners are the most enthusiastic of all, being very eager to show what they have grown. Yorkshire in Bloom judges will also be meeting business owners who are keen to show their premises at their very best.

John Stanley, Yorkshire in Bloom Co-ordinator, says that the judges are looking forward to seeing communities working together despite the difficult weather conditions we have all encountered recently:
After a long, cold and wet winter it was a relief to be able to get out into the garden”, he said, “but the intense heat has taken us all by surprise and the lack of rain may cause some problems. However, our judges are all aware of the difficulties and this will be taken into consideration when they are writing their reports.
Competition results will be announced in September. If you would like further information about Yorkshire in Bloom events and activities, or for details of how to get involved, please go to www.yorkshireinbloom.co.uk or call the Co-ordinator John Stanley on 01422 885222