The Great Get Together, an initiative started by Jo Cox’s family following her death in June 2016, is inspired by Jo’s words ‘we have more in common than that which divides us’. And the organisers of this year’s Get Together, on Sunday June 17th in Burton Leonard, hope that is just what their event will highlight.
Vivienne Rivis, who was one of the team behind last year’s successful event, said:
The Great Get Together taps into a sense that we all need to be involved and accepted in our communities, and is particularly pertinent at a time when loneliness and isolation are all too familiar.
The aim is to encourage people to chat to neighbours, make new friends and really come together as a community to celebrate all that we have in common.
This year, Dementia Forward will also be joining the group of organisers, which includes Burton Leonard’s WI, History Group and Village Hall Committee.
Their hub opened in the village just over a year ago and they are delighted to be a part of the celebrations. ‘Events like this are a great way of bringing people together.

Debby Lennox, Dementia Forward’s Community Liaison Worker, said:
We want everyone to feel welcome, whether they come alone or with family or friends,’
The main focus will be on the village green, where we will be serving tea and cake and savouries to what we know will be a lovely crowd of people, in what we hope will be good weather!

The team behind this year’s event would like to encourage people to bring along a neighbour or family member who may be feeling isolated. There will be home baking from local volunteers, plus stalls and games for all the family. There will also be a chance to see the recycled art work created by the children of Burton Leonard Primary School for Dementia Forward’s hub, and a display of photographs of community life by the local History Group.
The Great Get Together is on Sunday June 17th from 2pm ‘til 4.30pm on the Low Green, Burton Leonard. Adults £2 for a full afternoon tea; donations for childrens’ teas. Any funds raised will be donated to Dementia Forward.