Yorkshire Young Achievers Foundation boost for young carers | Harrogate Informer

The Carers’ Resource Events and Fundraising Co-ordinator Anne Wells and Yorkshire Young Achievers Foundation Trustee Sonia Jones spread the message that young carers need support
The Carers’ Resource Events and Fundraising Co-ordinator Anne Wells and Yorkshire Young Achievers Foundation Trustee Sonia Jones spread the message that young carers need support

Yorkshire Young Achievers Foundation boost for young carers

4 March 2018

An after-school club for young carers in the Harrogate district has been given a boost with a grant from the Yorkshire Young Achievers Foundation.

The UTime club is run by the Harrogate Young Carers for 11 to 18-year-olds whose lives are affected by having a parent or sibling with a physical or mental illness, a disability or an addiction to drugs or alcohol. UTime offers activities and sports and a meal to the youngsters while its staff are experienced in mentoring vulnerable young people, supporting them with their studies.

The grant will help the charity to fund the club which provides a safe, relaxing and fun environment for the youngsters after school, while giving staff an opportunity to offer additional support where needed.


The Carers’ Resource Events and Fundraising Co-ordinator Anne Wells said:

Sometimes we are the only people that these teenagers can turn to for advice and support. When their young lives are very hard, coming to one of our clubs, which are held fortnightly in term time, is one of the very few constant and reliable routines in their lives. It is a joy to see these children carefree for a couple of hours when we know what they face at home.



Yorkshire Young Achievers Foundation Trustee Sonia Jones said:

The Foundation exists to support young people across Yorkshire, whether in achieving their full potential or, as in this case, in improving life for them, so we are delighted to be helping such a useful service.


The main fundraiser for the Yorkshire Young Achievers Foundation is the annual Yorkshire Young Achievers Awards, sponsored by McCormicks Solicitors of Harrogate. Anyone who would like to apply for a grant can find full details at www.yorkshireyoungachievers.co.uk



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