The local fundraising team for Marie Curie are getting ready for the Great Daffodil Appeal, an appeal that will run throughout March.
Nicola Appleton said:
We are calling on all local businesses to get behind the Great Daffodil Appeal this year during March. The appeal is Marie Curie’s biggest fundraising campaign. With the help of thousands of volunteers, we’re calling on the UK to donate and wear a daffodil so that our nurses can care for more people with a terminal illness.
One of our local Harrogate Fundraising Group members will be visiting Harrogate businesses to ask if you would like a daffodil box for your reception / counter so that you can help us raise even more money.
But there are other ways in which you can support the charity.
About Marie Curie
They offer free nursing care to people with all terminal illnesses across the UK, as well as support for family and friends.
The nurses generally provide one-to-one nursing care and support overnight in your home, usually for eight or nine hours. In some areas they also offer care for a shorter period of time, or during the evening or daytime, as well as care at very short notice in a crisis

But the charity has bigger plans in making the town Yellow.
Nicola added:
You could turn your window yellow for the whole of March or just on Daffodil Day on 31st March. Daffodil Day is a moment for us to come together and wear our daffodils with pride – for those we’ve loved, those we’ve lost and those who care for the thousands of people currently living with a terminal illness.
There will be a Harrogate Street Collection on 17 March2018 and collections at M&S Leeds road 9, 10 and 11 March – they are still looking for volunteers.
People are also being urged to join the Harrogate fundraising group on Facebook
The charity is also also asking you to host your own Great Daffodil Appeal fundraising event – you could stage a ‘wear yellow day’ at school, college or work, hold a bake sale, organise a quiz night or volunteer two hours of your time to help with street collections.
If you’d like to pledge your support by helping to ‘Turn Harrogate Yellow’ then please let them know.
If you would like a collection box or can help with the collections, email or call 01904 755260