The Reverend John Campbell is to retire from his post as minister of West Park United Reformed Church in Harrogate.
Born in Ilkley but living most of his life in Harrogate, Mr Campbell is also well known as a former local teacher. He previously held posts at St Aidan’s and Rossett schools where he taught religious education. He met his wife Julie who was also a teacher at St Aidan’s whilst in post there.
Later he took up a position as chaplain and head of RE at Silcoates School in Wakefield.

After training for the ministry at Westminster College Cambridge, Rev Campbell was appointed to Trinity URC in Slough and later at Dacre URC.
Mr Campbell has been minister at West Park since 2011.
Talking to a member of West Park United Reformed Church, John has been an extremely popular minister and he will be missed and will be difficult to replace. He is noted as a very effective communicator and has the ability to do this with people of all ages – clearly a legacy of his teaching days no doubt.
Passionate about the restoration of historic vehicles he is well known in vintage and veteran car circles across the country and has previously competed in the London to Brighton Rally.
Rev Campbell’s last service at West Park will be the Christmas Day Celebration on 25 December 2017 at 10.30am which will be a short relaxed service to which all are cordially invited. It is hoped that as many people as possible will be able to attend to wish him well.