TV favourites Julian Norton and Peter Wright were at the Great Yorkshire Showground today as preparations get underway for new “The Yorkshire Vet at Countryside Live” which will kick off Autumn Half Term.
They met 10-year-old Lilly Aspell, from Richmond, who’s a star in her own right after playing the young Wonder Woman in the new DC Comics/Warner Bros feature film released in the summer.
The actress and showjumper hopes to compete in the Talented Showjumper Competition run over the weekend which is judged by Olympians Graham and Tina Fletcher.
The new look event retains the competitive classes and features of Countryside Live, which has been running at the Great Yorkshire Showground for 14 years, while being bigger and better than ever thanks to an exciting new partnership with The Yorkshire Vet and Channel 5.
Tickets sales are being snapped up nationally, bringing thousands of new visitors into the showground from across the UK on Saturday October 21st and Sunday 22nd.
Nigel Pulling, Chief Executive of Yorkshire Agricultural Society said: “We are delighted to welcome Julian and Peter here today and to meet Lilly who’s a star in her own right!
Our collaboration with the Yorkshire Vet will really broaden the appeal of Countryside Live and take it up to a new level. We are already getting calls from across the country and tickets are selling fast. It promises to be a superb weekend and the perfect way to start school half term.
New features will include three live Yorkshire Vet shows in the Main Ring each day, an expanded children’s section including Channel 5’s Milkshake Live show and pop up country pub as well as special guests.
There will be a tasting hub and cookery theatre, shopping and a new look Create + Explore area with hands-on activities for children, face painting and much more.
The show is the only one in the UK to run a Talented Showjumper Competition for riders aged 10-years-old and over. Qualifiers run on the Saturday and the final will take place on the Sunday afternoon.

This is just one of many classes and competitions involving some of the 2,000 animals who converge on the showground over the two days.
From horses to honey, pigs to poultry, sheep to cattle, pigeons to rabbits there are competitions and classes throughout the weekend.
Elsewhere there’s birds of prey displays, hundreds of stands to browse, horticultural classes and farriery competitions.