The thirteen groups awarded grants from Harrogate Borough Council’s Small Grants Fund 2017 will celebrate at a special reception at Harrogate’s Mercer Art Gallery on Tuesday 26 September 2017.
The council’s Small Grants Fund supports and strengthens voluntary and community sector organisations serving communities across the district. Funds are available to help increase participation and engagement, and to support new and innovative ideas.
Members of the thirteen groups awarded grants this year – the tenth anniversary of the fund – will be presented with a large cheque at the reception by the Leader of Harrogate Borough, Council Richard Cooper.
The Deputy Mayor, Councillor Christine Willoughby, was also be at the reception.
Councillor Richard Cooper said:
The voluntary sector plays a significant role in our community, contributing a great deal to the vitality of our district. That’s why an important priority for the council is to support community groups, voluntary organisations and charities with their work through grants like these.
This year’s Small Grants awards go to groups right across the district working on a diverse range of initiatives, and I’m pleased that we are able to support them in their endeavours.

Small Grants totalling £30,452 have been awarded this year to:
£3000 Asenby Institute
£2907 Charity of William Hardcastle, Pateley Bridge
£1705 Friends of Follifoot Wildlife Recreation & Play
£3000 Friends of St Cuthbert’s School, Pateley Bridge
£2000 Harrogate Skills 4 Living Centre
£2750 High Batts Nature Reserve, Ripon
£1675 Hookstone and Stonefall Action Group, Harrogate
£3000 Pannal Sports Junior Football Club, Harrogate
£2000 Scotton Scorchers Junior Football Club, Knaresborough
£1500 Sharrow Village Hall and Sports Ground
£1915 Rossett Local Nature Reserve Group, Harrogate
£2000 The Rotary Club Harrogate Brigantes
£3000 Wellspring Therapy & Training