Dementia Forward has launched an annual event to support families living with dementia in the local area.
- Every three seconds someone in the world develops dementia
- An estimated 150,000 families in North Yorkshire are affected by the disease
The Dementia Forward singing group meet every Thursday morning at Christchurch in Harrogate. On the 21 September 2017, many joined in by wearing yellow and green.

Phyllis Hardacer is part of and the group, Phyllis said:
I have been singing all my life and part of this group for 2 years.
Everybody is really friendly and it’s just really good fun – the pianist often likes to have a joke!
If you like singing then this is the place to come.

Debby Lennox is the Community Liaison Worker and Hub Development Leader at Dementia Forward.
Debby said:
Often dementia is something that is just brushed under the carpet and not mentioned. Many people don’t understand that dementia is an umbrella term for a group for a number of conditions.
The day is all about trying to open the conversation and increase awareness. We have asked people to wear something yellow or green and hopefully that would prompt some discussion. If people just wear something,beven very small, we hope it may cause others to ask them why.

You can donate online at or in person at any HSBC bank using Yellow and Green as your reference and Sort Code: 40-23-12 / Account No: 42304627.