A Harrogate newsagent, Alan Wilkinson, has been fined £290 plus legal costs for selling cigarettes to a 15-year-old.
The prosecution was brought by North Yorkshire County Council as part of an on-going investigation by its Trading Standards officers into illegal sales of cigarettes and tobacco products in the county.
The North Yorkshire Tobacco Control Strategy 2015-2025 aims to bring about a smoke-free generation. There are a number of initiatives such as education programmes; smoking cessation services and an enforcement approach which has zero tolerance for those who supply cigarettes to children.
Matt O’Neill, the County Council’s Assistant Director of Growth, Planning and Trading Standards, said:
We work hard with retailers to prevent under-age sales of tobacco and take action against those that ignore our advice. Retailers must implement processes to prevent sales like this from occurring for we will not allow the tobacco control strategy to be undermined by anyone that supplies cigarettes to minors.
Councillor Andrew Lee, the Executive Member responsible for Growth, Planning and Trading Standards, said:
This is a reminder of the significant role that local businesses and retailers play in protecting our children’s health by preventing children accessing all forms of tobacco and nicotine.
Cigarettes are age-restricted to protect the health of our young people and retailers are urged to be aware of the implications of underage sales.