Harrogate law firm McCormicks Solicitors has retained its contract with the Legal Aid Agency for a further three years following a detailed audit under the Specialist Quality Mark scheme.
All solicitors in private practice dealing with publicly-funded work have to be assessed by an external auditor, a process formerly carried out by the Legal Services Commission.
Legal Aid provides funding for certain types of work, such as advice on criminal proceedings and family breakdowns, to around two million people every year.

The SQM report stated that the firm’s Crime department monitored the financial position closely, completed file reviews face-to-face which was good practice, and that all files reviewed were in “good order and easy to follow”. It said: “All the feedback forms provided by clients show very positive responses, which is a credit to the firm and shows that the firm is delivering a good standard of service to clients.”
Partner Geoff Rogers said:
We carry out work for publicly-funded clients in the Crime department and the comments are a testimonial to the hard work and dedication of my colleagues.