Students at Rossett School in Harrogate are celebrating after achieving outstanding results in the new-format GCSEs.
The 2017 summer exam season saw students sitting the new Grade 9-1 GCSEs for the first time in Maths and English.
Headteacher Helen Woodcock said:
We are very proud of the manner in which the students approached the challenge of the new exams.
We are delighted with the outcomes which reflect the tremendous commitment of the students to their studies, and the resilience of the staff who have worked incredibly hard to prepare students for examinations that no one had sat or seen before.
In excess of 77% of our students achieved a grade 4 and above in English and in Mathematics, we are also very pleased to see an increase in the percentages of the very top grades: with only 3% of all grades in Mathematics being awarded at the new 9 level nationally, we were delighted that 6% of our Year 11 Mathematics students here at Rossett were awarded this new prestigious grade.

Almost 60% of the grades awarded at Rossett were 9 to 6, or A*-B, meaning the school had many high achievers. Among the notable successes were:
Amy Laws achieved the new grade 9 in both her English and Mathematics GCSEs, in addition to her ten A* grades in her overall results this summer.
Elizabeth Browne and Maya McCartney also showed their mathematical prowess by achieving grade 9 in this subject to add to their 10 A* 1A grade and 8A*3As respectively.
Lauren Atkinson, Taylor De Vos, Imogen Fisher, Oliver Storey, Tabitha Halliday, Ella Harris, Lucy Hopkins, Daniel Nimick, Olivia Price, Jennifer Ross and Jasmine Tyler all achieved outstanding results with at least ten of their awards at the new 9-7, A* or A grades.

Deputy Headteacher Chris Stone added:
On results’ day we celebrated many success stories for individual students who entered the school with low points on entry; we are equally as proud of their outstanding progress and achievement, and it underlines our commitment to provide the ‘Success for Everyone’ which describes our proudly stated school ethos.
With the majority of Year 11 students continuing on into Rossett’s successful Sixth Form, there are a small number of places available for external students to join Year 12.