Disabled people have reached new heights during an innovative volunteering event held at Harrogate Climbing Centre.
Disability Action Yorkshire – which this year celebrates its 80th birthday – partnered with its near neighbour on Hornbeam Park, as it aimed to attract new volunteers, in particular those in their mid to late teens, to join its existing team of helpers.
Disability Action Yorkshire Chief Executive Jackie Snape said:
This was an opportunity for people to meet some of our customers, see how they approach barriers that face them in life – like walls – and get to use the climbing wall free of charge!
It was an innovative way to attract new volunteers, specifically young people, and in particular to introduce them to our buddying scheme, “Own Goals.
This initiative is helping customers achieve their own goals, which can be anything from going to the pub with friends to paragliding. It can often create a genuine friendship between volunteers and customers.
I’d like to thank Harrogate Climbing Centre for partnering with us. The staff were fantastic and they helped some of our customers to really reach new heights. Our customers had a fabulous time and the great news we have at least one new volunteer from it!

Those who would like to find out more volunteering with Disability Action Yorkshire should contact Jackie Snape directly on 01423 855413, or email her at jackie.snape@da-y.org.uk
Be interesting to know whether the chief executive ‘volunteers’ and if not how much she is paid. The hypocrisy of those who expect others to volunteer but not them, oh no!