Leading Yorkshire sports lawyer Peter McCormick OBE has been made Vice-Chairman of the Football Association (FA).
Mr McCormick, Senior Partner of Harrogate-based McCormicks Solicitors, will continue to represent the Premier League on the ten-strong Board of the FA.
The FA completed a reform process of its constitution and management in May this year and Mr McCormick will be part of its new streamlined Board, designed to enable the FA to run more efficiently and effectively and to include greater diversity in its membership.
He was proposed for the post of Vice-Chairman jointly by the Premier League and the English Football League and was unanimously voted in by all the professional game and professional game-aligned representatives.

The appointment adds to his roles at the FA which include Chairman of the FA Group Remuneration Committee and Chairman of the International Committee. He is also a member of the Nominations Committee, Protocol Committee and Committees Appointment Panel.
His roles at the Premier League, which include Chairman of the Football Board, Chairman of the Legal Advisory Group, Chairman of the Premier League Medical Care Scheme Ltd, Chairman of Football Stadia Improvement Fund Ltd and Trustee of the Football Foundation, remain unchanged.