Bistro on the Park, Harrogate College’s training restaurant welcomed over 65 guests to French Night on Thursday 2 March 2017, making it the most popular themed evening to date.
The Bistro, that forms part of Harrogate College’s new look ‘High Street’, is open to the public and runs two themed evenings a month, giving the Catering and Hospitality students exceptional real life work experience, preparing them for life in Harrogate’s thriving industry.
As sponsors of the Harrogate Hospitality and Tourism Awards Best Newcomer, Harrogate College is committed to providing outstanding learning environments that truly prepare students for their career.

Guests to the event included prospective employers from local hotels and restaurants, friends and family of the students and customers who regularly return to support the Bistro and its students, whilst enjoying a three course meal for just £12.
The next themed evening to take place at Bistro on the Park is Irish Night on Thursday 16th March, 6.30pm. To book your table, please call 01423 878300 or email