24th International Gilbert & Sullivan Festival in Harrogate | Harrogate Informer

24th International Gilbert & Sullivan Festival in Harrogate

1 March 2017

“The Greatest Gilbert and Sullivan Show On Earth” returns to Harrogate this summer bringing with it around 1500 performers and backstage workers and thousands of visitors who travel to Harrogate from all around the world.

Gilbert and Sullivan remain the world’s most famous theatrical partnerships and the Festival has developed into one of the most ambitious festivals of performing musical theatre ever seen in the United Kingdom.

  • Four brand-new productions to Harrogate
  • The best G&S you are likely to see anywhere in Europe
  • Other highlights this year include a free concert for residents from local care homes and dementia centres
  • A performance of “The Geisha” a 1896 opera composed by Sydney Jones – a man with strong Harrogate connections
  • and a rarely performed Gilbert play “Engaged” which was set to Sullivan’s music in the 1960s



They have just completed a short film introducing the festival, conveying the truly wonderful atmosphere which is enjoyed by visitors and performers alike.



This year’s festival features more than a hundred performances and fringe activities staged within Harrogate’s Royal Hall and its two adjoining facilities which will include a specially built “Savoy” theatre for youth, University and other special interest performances. It embraces young and old alike.



If you are aged 9 to 19 you can join the Festival youth production; if you are at university you can bring your university group and present a full-scale performance; and if you are over 60 don’t think for one minute that you are “on the shelf!” They have their Bus Pass Opera for performers with a lifetime of acting experience who can join in the fun and pleasure which Gilbert and Sullivan offers in abundance.



The Festival is three weeks jam-packed with pleasure says Chairman, Ian Smith.

Chairman, Ian Smith who can himself boast a 60 year active association with G&S: This will be our fourth year in Harrogate and it promises to be our most successful yet. The Greatest Gilbert and Sullivan Show on Earth.  Come and experience the wit and humour of Gilbert’s magical dialogue along with Sullivan’s glorious music. The Gilbert & Sullivan Festival is fun, it’s friendly, it’s for all the family and a very warm Yorkshire welcome awaits.

Friday August 4th – Sunday August 20th 2017

Box Office: 01422 323252   www.gsfestivals.org


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