The Celebration of Achievement evening at the spectacular Royal Hall was a great success and provided a wonderful opportunity for Harrogate Grammar School students to demonstrate their many talents and achievements.
On this very special night a whole range of achievements are recognised; academic, sporting, musical and for many, that most important ingredient of any success, effort. It was wonderful to see so many young people come up on stage to proudly receive their award that are the pinnacle of the awards system in school.
It was especially pleasing to see so many Year 11 prize winners this year, following on from such fantastic GCSE results in August 2016. We were also privileged to listen to the senior choir and Jazz band perform, along with the Frenetic Theatre company.

On the night Colonel Martin Dransfield of the New Zealand Defence Force and Great Nephew of former student, Donald Bell VC was welcomed as the guest speaker, having travelled all the way from New Zealand to be at the event.
This was a was a very special way of rounding off a variety of events which have taken place this year, to commemorate the centenary year of Donald Bell’s act of bravery during the Battle of the Somme.
Following an interesting and though provoking speech, Colonel Dransfield was able to personally present the two Donald Bell awards; A signed, commemorative, Bradford Park Avenue football shirt, the team Donald Bell himself played for as a professional footballer, was presented to Joe Dorkings, as best school footballer.
The Donald Bell award for commitment was then presented to Amy Wotherspoon. The evening closed with incredibly inspiring speeches by Head Boy, Will Giddings and Head Girl, Eloise Hudson.

Harrogate Grammar School has had a very successful year, in terms of examination outcomes, GCSE results were outstanding and the school maintained the excellent outcomes in A Level results. The governments new school performance measure, Progress 8, put HGS in the top 5% of schools nationally. These students have now left ready to take on the challenges of the world but also ready to seize the many opportunities that are out there for the taking.
However, it isn’t just about exam results at Harrogate Grammar School. On Tuesday, students hosted our most popular annual festive coffee morning to date with over 100 senior citizens from our community attending. The warmth, grace and understanding shown by Harrogate Grammar School students was wonderful and was certainly greatly appreciated by their guests.

The school’s REACH values of Respect, Excellence, Adventure, Commitment and Honesty were well represented in a piece of the theatre in the evening but are shown on a day to day basis by our students in and around school. Whilst we proudly celebrate the brilliant academic achievements of our students we also recognise the positive contribution to the life of the school that students of all abilities are able to make and this is what the Celebration of achievement evening is all about.
Headteacher Richard Sheriff said: It has been a fantastic year and I am very proud of the achievements of all our students and so grateful to our talented and committed staff who make it all happen.

Prize | First name | Surname |
Senior Victrix Ludorum – Girls | Achele | Agada |
The Headteacher’s Award For Senior Leadership Sixth Form – Prefect | Unekwuojo | Agada |
The Maunder Cup for Endeavour in Sport | Achele | Agada |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Lisa | Alder |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Grace | Allanson |
Geography Subject Prize – Year 8 | Kiran | Amin |
Mathematics Subject Prize – Year 8 | Kiran | Amin |
Science Subject Prize – Year 8 | Kiran | Amin |
The Headteacher’s Award For Positive Achievement – Year 8 | Kiran | Amin |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Mitchell | Anderson |
The Headteacher’s Award For Positive Achievement – Year 10 | Jonathan | Appleyard |
Psychology Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Jess | Ashcroft |
Spanish Subject Prize – Year 7 | Reuben | Aston |
English Subject Prize – Year 7 | Lizzie | Atkins |
PE Subject Prize – Year 7 | Danika | Atkinson |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Bethany | Auble |
Biology Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Emma | Ball |
The Christine Converey Memorial Prize for French | Emma | Ball |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Kirsten | Baul |
Computing Subject Prize – Year 10 | Alyssa | Baxter |
Economics Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Jasmine | Beech |
Drama Subject Prize – Year 10 | Kim | Beecroft |
PE Subject Prize – Year 10 | Kim | Beecroft |
Travel & Tourism Subject Prize Sixth Form | Jack | Benson |
The Headteacher’s Award For Positive Achievement – Year 7 | Amy | Berwick |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Will | Bevitt |
The Haighton-Smith Awards for Working with Others | Rose | Biju |
Science Subject Prize – Year 7 | Tom | Bland |
Technology: Food Subject Prize – Year 10 | Grace | Booth |
Graphics Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Maddie | Botros |
Geography Subject Prize – Year 9 | Alana | Bottomley |
Italian Subject Prize – Year 8 | Lucy | Bowman |
The Pierson Prize for Biology | Tara | Boyd |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Lauren | Brabbin |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Owen | Brewster |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Anna | Broderstad |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Eden | Brown |
The John Hall Prize for Mathematics | Josiah | Buckle |
iMedia Subject Prize – Year 10 | Ike | Buttle |
Technology: Product Design Subject Prize – Year 10 | Ike | Buttle |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Rosie | Buxton |
Religious Studies Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Franki | Callard |
The Marston Junior Netball Trophy | Alexa | Callard |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Mabel | Calvert |
The Frances Williams Award for demonstrating outstanding resilience and progress in Mathematics | Georgia-Louise | Campbell |
Drama Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Amy | Cartledge |
French Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Amy | Cartledge |
The Headteacher’s Award For Senior Leadership Sixth Form – Prefect | Maz | Chaima |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Emma | Christy |
Accounting Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Max | Cluderay |
Product Design Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Poppy | Collins |
Senior Boys Hockey Award | Jonathan | Colquhoun |
The Headteacher’s Award For Positive Achievement – Year 11 | Jacob | Connell |
The Sixth Form Award for Services to the School | Jacob | Connell |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Jacob | Connell |
English Literature Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Megan | Cordelle |
The Four Friends Memorial Prize for Endeavour | Megan | Cordelle |
The Haighton-Smith Awards for Working with Others | Megan | Cordelle |
The Haighton-Smith Awards for Working with Others | Qaseem | Cowen |
German Subject Prize – Year 10 | Charles | Cowgill |
Geography Subject Prize – Year 7 | Edward | Craig |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Sarah | Creeley |
The Hollis Cup for Sporting Achievement | Jobe | Creeney |
The ETTA Award for Table Tennis | Nathan | Crocker |
The Katie Layton Music Trophy | Jacob | Dale |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Jacob | Dale |
Art Subject Prize – Year 9 | Caitlin | Daly |
Mathematics Subject Prize – Year 9 | Amelie | Davies |
Religious Studies Subject Prize – Year 7 | Patrycja | Debicka |
AQUA HOUSE | Megan | Dewar |
The S Nixon Prize for English Literature | Kathryn | Dixon |
The Donald Bell Award for Best School Footballer | Joe | Dorkings |
Media Prize (English) | Robbie | Downer |
English Subject Prize – Year 10 | Jess | Dunmore |
Geography Subject Prize – Year 10 | Jess | Dunmore |
Italian Subject Prize – Year 10 | Jess | Dunmore |
German Subject Prize – Year 8 | Iris | Eastaugh |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Lewis | Eccles |
The M Thompson Memorial Prize for Endeavour – KS4 | Matthew | Ellwood |
The Jehn Award for Volleyball | Demir | Erbilir |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Demir | Erbilir |
Government & Politics Subject Prize – Sixth Form | George | Farrar |
PE Subject Prize – Year 9 | Georgia | Felstead |
Chemistry Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Mingzhe | Feng |
The Four Friends Memorial Prize for Endeavour | Leandro | Fernandes |
VENTUS HOUSE | Leandro | Fernandes |
Girls Junior Athletics Trophy | Rose | Forrest |
The Headteacher’s Award For Senior Leadership Sixth Form – Prefect | Harry | Forster |
The Home Owners Friendly Society Applied Business (Business Studies) Award | Harry | Forster |
The Jonathan Cook Memorial Prize for Art | Becky | Franklin |
The Andrew Shield for History | Rhianna | Garrett |
The Junior Award for Speech & Drama | Jacob | Garrett |
Head Boy | William | Giddings |
The Hopkinson Cup for Debating and Public Speaking | William | Giddings |
Technology Subject Prize – Year 8 | Ben | Gladstone |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Emily | Gladstone |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Fred | Goddard |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Tom | Godfrey |
Chinese Subject Prize – Year 9 | Giselle | Going |
The Jennings Junior English Prize – KS3 | Giselle | Going |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Erin | Gold |
German Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Ella | Grant |
Girls Intermediate Athletics Trophy | Serena | Grant |
Religious Studies Subject Prize – Year 9 | Serena | Grant |
The T H Lusher Prize for Mathematics | Ella | Grant |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Angus | Gray |
Italian Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Kate | Grindrod |
Mathematics Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Dan | Gugan |
Physics Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Dan | Gugan |
The John Cliffe Memorial Prize for Music | Tom | Gugan |
The Rachel Bennett Memorial Prize for Charity Work | Aimee | Hannam |
Boys Junior Athletics Trophy | Freddie | Harris |
Photography Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Sam | Hartshorn |
The R G Stearne Prize for Sport | Jack | Haydock |
The Headteacher’s Award For Senior Leadership Sixth Form – Deputy Head Boy | Jack | Hennighan |
The Jane Stuart Memorial Prize for Charity Work | Jack | Hennighan |
The Sixth Form Millennium Prize for Endeavour | Jack | Hennighan |
Head of Sixth Form Award for Conspicuous Attainment | Sofia | Hesketh |
History Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Sofia | Hesketh |
The Yorkshire Bank Prize for Enterprise | Charlotte | Holliday |
The Annakin English Essay Prize | Amaya | Holman |
The Rasbuary Senior Netball Trophy | Megan | Homburg |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Megan | Homburg |
The Headteacher’s Award For Positive Achievement – Year 10 | Millie | Hope |
Technology Subject Prize – Year 9 | Lillie | Houseman |
Head Girl | Eloise | Hudson |
VENTUS HOUSE | Eloise | Hudson |
Music Subject Prize – Year 10 | Megan | Humphries |
Technology Subject Prize – Year 7 | Matthew | Ignatiou |
The Yvonne Lawton Award for Outstanding Participation in Religious Studies | Sam | Ignatiou |
The Stephen Goulding Memorial Prize for Rugby | James | Imrie |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Megan | Jackson Argent |
The Jennings Junior English Prize – KS4 | Mam | Jallow |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Mam | Jallow |
The Headteacher’s Award For Senior Leadership Sixth Form – Deputy Head Girl | Phoebe | Jamieson |
The Richard Meyler Award for Senior Speech and Drama | Tom | Jansen |
The Headteacher’s Award For Senior Leadership Sixth Form – Deputy Head Boy | Albert | Jennings |
The Traher Cup for Endeavour | Matthew | Jessup |
Music Subject Prize – Year 8 | Will | Johnson |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Ben | Johnson |
Art Subject Prize – Year 8 | Megan | Jones |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Owen | Jones |
Business Studies – Year 10 | Arun | Keane |
The Headteacher’s Award For Senior Leadership Sixth Form – Prefect | Grace | Keenan |
Music Subject Prize – Year 9 | Harriet | Kempster |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | George | Kendall |
The Headteacher’s Award For Senior Leadership Sixth Form – Prefect | Emily | Kernaghan |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Mary | Klodzinska |
German Subject Prize – Year 7 | Rohan | Knight |
The Headteacher’s Award For Positive Achievement – Year 8 | Poppy | Ladley |
The Dan Birch Trophy for Junior Football | Oliver | Lamb |
The Theology Prize | Maisie | Law |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Kallista | Lawson-Tovey |
The Angie Letts Memorial Prize for Endeavour | Chloe | Leach |
Chinese Subject Prize – Year 8 | Finn | Leather |
Spanish Subject Prize – Year 8 | Finn | Leather |
Business Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Katie | Lee |
TERRA HOUSE | Katie | Lee |
The Headteacher’s Award For Senior Leadership Sixth Form – Deputy Head Girl | Katie | Lee |
Science Subject Prize – Year 10 | Lottie | Leigh |
Music Subject Prize – Year 7 | Ben | Leigh |
The Geoffrey Thompson Memorial Prize | Jessica | Lily |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Isabel | Lily |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Sebastian | Lister |
Italian Subject Prize – Year 9 | Isabelle | Longley |
The Paul Andrew Cup for Debating (Main School) | Isabelle | Longley |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Emma | Makin |
Mathematics Subject Prize – Year 10 | Edward | Malone |
IGNIS HOUSE | Poppy | Markham |
French Subject Prize – Year 7 | Emma | Marlow |
Geography Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Daniel | Martin |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Megan | Matless |
Boys Senior Athletics Trophy | Jacques | Maurice |
Senior Victor Ludorum – Boys | Louis | Maurice |
The Headteacher’s Award For Senior Leadership Sixth Form – Prefect | Harvey | McCabe |
The Mike Thurlow Prize for Creative Writing | David | McCabe |
The School Prize for Peer Support | Harvey | McCabe |
Spanish Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Lucy | McDermott |
French Subject Prize – Year 8 | Isabelle | Mclntyre |
Technology: Product Design Subject Prize – Year 10 (Textiles) | Sophie | McPherson |
Spanish Subject Prize – Year 10 | Grace | Mekala |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Oliver | Mitchelson |
The J Neville Knox Prize for Religious Studies | Sam | Moore |
The Michael & Morven Heller Prize for Photography | Micah | Moreland |
Computing Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Zak | Morgan |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Rebecca | Morgan |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Lauren | Mossman |
Science Subject Prize – Year 9 | Kim | Mountney |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Jade | Mountney |
The Andrew Woodthorpe Shield | William | Murray |
The Ashley Cook Memorial Prize | Stefan | Myers |
The Four Friends Memorial Prize for Endeavour | Stefan | Myers |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Felicity | Myers |
Sociology Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Hannah | Nash |
The Headteacher’s Award For Senior Leadership Sixth Form – Deputy Head Girl | Hannah | Nash |
ICT & Computing Subject Prize – Year 7 | Eva | Nelson |
PE Subject Prize – Year 9 | Joe | Nichols |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Isaac | Noble |
The Dan Birch Trophy for Senior Football | Brook | Nugent |
The Centenary Music Award | Noah | Ottman |
Mathematics Subject Prize – Year 7 | Tom | Owen |
French Subject Prize – Year 9 | Freddie | Palfreman |
Art Subject Prize – Year 7 | Ben | Palmer |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Simran | Panesar |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Satpal | Panesar |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Hugh | Patterson |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Bridget | Phillip |
PE Subject Prize – Year 10 | Jack | Pickford |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Abbie | Pilkington |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Sam | Polizzi |
The Gideon Cuckle Award for Computing | Gayathri | Praveen |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Gayathri | Praveen |
Health & Social Care Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Sophie | Pritchard |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Hannah | Proctor |
French Subject Prize – Year 10 | Beth | Protheroe |
Religious Studies Subject Prize – Year 8 | Ruby | Rainbow |
The Headteacher’s Award For Senior Leadership Sixth Form – Prefect | Callum | Rainey |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Ella | Ralli |
Art Subject Prize – Sixth Form | David | Ramsden |
The Headteacher’s Award For Positive Achievement – Year 9 | Jamie | Rastrick |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Henry | Rastrick |
English Language Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Holly | Rayfield |
The M Thompson Memorial Prize for Endeavour – KS3 | Charlie | Rayfield |
English Subject Prize – Year 8 | Lily | Reid |
The Rounders Award | Pernille | Rhodes |
PE Subject Prize – Year 8 | Matt | Roberts |
History Subject Prize – Year 7 | Harvey | Robinson |
The Hitchin Prize for English | Harry | Ross |
German Subject Prize – Year 9 | Natalie | Rouse |
The Lancaster Cup for Endeavour in Sport | Natalie | Rouse |
Business Studies (BTEC) – Year 10 | Charlie | Rumford |
History Subject Prize – Year 8 | Oliver | Rushton |
IGNIS HOUSE | Olivia | Sanderson |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Jordan | Saphir |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Abigail | Saunders |
Art Subject Prize – Year 10 | Orla | Scanlon |
History Subject Prize – Year 10 | Orla | Scanlon |
Religious Studies Subject Prize – Year 10 | Orla | Scanlon |
English Subject Prize – Year 9 | Olivia | Searle |
History Subject Prize – Year 9 | Olivia | Searle |
Spanish Subject Prize – Year 9 | Olivia | Searle |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Kyla | Serioza |
The Headteacher’s Award For Positive Achievement – Year 9 | Hannah | Shimwell |
The Susan Allinson Music Award | Hannah | Shimwell |
The Anderson Prize for Music | Natalia | Slomczykowski |
AQUA HOUSE | Ben | Smith |
Junior Victor Ludorum | Cooper | Smith |
The Alex Foulkes Memorial Award for Participation in Extra-Curricular Activities PE | Ben | Smith |
The Haighton-Smith Awards for Working with Others | Samuel | Smith |
The Headteacher’s Award For Senior Leadership Sixth Form – Deputy Head Boy | Ben | Smith |
The John Mitchell Cup for the Most Promising Engineering Student | Joe | Smith |
PE Subject Prize – Year 8 | Maya | Spence |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Rachel | Stacey |
The Haighton-Smith Awards for Working with Others | Archie | Stackhouse |
Further Mathematics Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Rachel | Stanley |
The Square Mile for Economics | Toby | Stanton |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Bethany | Steele |
PE Subject Prize – Year 7 | Ben | Stewart |
The Ellis Cup for Cricket | Ben | Stokes |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Charlie | Stokes |
The Four Friends Memorial Prize for Endeavour | Leona | Strauss |
Junior Victrix Ludorum | Holly | Sugarman |
Music Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Benjamin | Sumner |
The Faye Bland Memoral Prize for Endeavour | Robyn | Swainston |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Sam | Taylor |
The M Thompson Memorial Prize for Endeavour – KS3 | Nikita | Tilford |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Jake | Tilford |
Head of Sixth Form Award for Conspicuous Attainment | Tom | Torgerson |
The Henry Hall Prize for Chemistry | Tom | Torgerson |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Jim | Troy |
Creative Media Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Ryan | Verity |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Beth | Wakefield |
The Farres Prize for Further Mathematics | Matthew | Walton |
Performing Arts Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Hannah | Waring |
The Harrington Cup for Physics | Ollie | Watson |
Junior Boys Hockey Award | Alfie | Weaver |
The M Thompson Memorial Prize for Endeavour – KS4 | Anna | Weilding |
The Headteacher’s Award For Positive Achievement – Year 7 | Matthew | Wharldall |
Physical Education Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Harriet | Wheat |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Beth | Whitehouse |
The Shenton Trophy for Sporting Achievement | Alice | Whittington |
Dance Subject Prize – Sixth Form | Beth | Wilson |
The Jonathan Hubbard Award for Swimming | Rosie | Wilson Burrell |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Izzy | Wood |
The Donald Bell Award for Commitment | Amy | Wotherspoon |
The Headteacher’s Award For Positive Achievement – Year 11 | Sam | Wright |
The Headteacher’s Award For Senior Leadership Sixth Form – Prefect | John | Wright |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Sam | Wright |
TERRA HOUSE | Catrina | Young |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Ellen | Young |
Year 11 GCSE Prizewinner | Qian | Zhang |