Harrogate and Knaresborough MP, Andrew Jones, will be using a design created by Chantelle Shouksmith – a pupil at The Forest School in Knaresborough – for his Christmas e-card.

The design was chosen from hundreds submitted by local school children in response to Mr Jones’s ‘Create a Christmas e-card for your MP’ competition. The competition has run for each of the last six years and it is the first time that a pupil from The Forest School has won.
Chantelle’s e-card will be sent to local groups and constituents.
The competition entries were judged by the Mayor, Cllr Nick Brown, Penny Mackenzie – a former primary school teacher, and Amanda Reeve who works at Harrogate High school.
Andrew said: This competition always feels like the start of Christmas to me. There were hundreds of designs entered and it was clear that a lot of effort had been put in to them by the pupils. Chantelle’s design was colourful, creative and full of Christmas cheer, the judges were very impressed and I know that the recipients will be too.
Chantelle was awarded a framed copy of her Christmas card. Each primary school that entered had a ‘local winner’ and every child who submitted an entry received a special certificate personally signed by Mr Jones.