Bag of cannabis found on Harrogate street | Harrogate Informer

cannabis Harrogate

Bag of cannabis found on Harrogate street

21 November 2016

A bag of cannabis has been recovered from a street in Harrogate.

The illegal drugs was recovered by PC Adam Smith from Woodfield Road in Harrogate on Sunday, 20 November 2016.

If you would like to claim ownership of the drugs then please call North Yorkshire Police using the non-emergency number of 101. They would also like to speak to the owner under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971


  1. I’d also like to report that i found an empty vodka bottle on cold bath road. It could be used as a weapon and may contain harmful substances.

    • Hi Chris,
      If this is Chris from Knaresborough, brother Simon.I’d love you to phone Anne on :-01253 465908. I have some v. Interesting news for you.
      Best wishes Anne x

  2. Nobody panic ok? Just NOBODY PANIC. Go indoors, lock doors, close windows and wait from word from the government that the army has declared the area safe. In the meantime, PRAY.

  3. I was strolling past bettys the other day when I stumbled across what appeared to be a butter knife, tainted with red. I decided to inspect the object for a closer look, at first I was stricken with terror as fear and panic rushed through me, with the recent events and discovery in the town of what is believed to be the deadly and highly dangerous drug, Dank marajuana weed plant. I thought to myself, who has done this, how had this happened, was this blood!? whilst every part of my mind told me not to, I leaned down closer and closer to look, as a came mere millimetres from the glistening stainless steel weapon the sweet smell of juicy strawberry ran through my nostrils, it was actually jam. Mmmm, delicious I thought it myself

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