Leading North Yorkshire law firm McCormicks Solicitors has won a new national recommendation in the newly-published UK Legal 500, one of the leading guides to the legal profession.
The firm is recommended in the London section of the guide for its work in Professional Discipline. The guide highlights the work of Senior Partner Peter McCormick OBE in football and of Senior Associate Sara Morgan who acts for the National Pharmacy Association.
McCormicks has again led the way for Harrogate and North Yorkshire-based practices with recommendations in 18 areas of law and is the only Harrogate firm ranked in seven of those areas.
Peter McCormick said:
The UK Legal 500 carries out research both with clients and with our fellow professionals so it is always pleasing to receive recommendations, particularly at a time when the practice is growing and expanding into new areas.
Peter McCormick is ranked in the elite “Leading Lawyers” list – the Legal 500’s guide to outstanding lawyers nationwide. He is also ranked a “Leading Individual” for Sports Law in both Yorkshire and London and described by the guide as “vastly experienced”, “savvy” and a “go-to lawyer in the Sports sector.
The practice retains its first-place ranking for Sports Law in Yorkshire and the Humber and wins recommendations in the London section of the guide for its work in Sports Law, Mediation and Professional Discipline.
There are 19 individual recommendations for seven solicitors at McCormicks, with a total of 11 for Peter McCormick; two for Partner Geoff Rogers; two for Commercial Litigation specialist Philip Edmondson; a first recommendation for Head of Employment Sara Morgan; and one each for Mediation specialist Neil Goodrum; and Crime and Fraud lawyers, Helen Taylor and Peter Minnikin.

Overall, McCormicks is recommended for all 18 of the following: Agriculture and Estates; Charities and Not for Profit; Commercial Litigation; Contentious Trusts and Probate; Corporate and Commercial; Commercial Property; Crime (Fraud); Crime (General); EU and Competition; Family; Intellectual Property; IT and Telecoms; Mediators (London); Personal Tax, Trusts and Probate; Professional Discipline (London), Property Litigation; Sport (Yorkshire and Humber) and Sport (London).