The Harrogate and District Round Table have run another successful Soap Box Derby from the Valley Gardens in Harrogate.
This year marked the 3rd event and was held on Sunday, 7 August 2016.
It was once again run by the Round Table and with Harper Aggregates as the main sponsor. They provide a cash donation and support of a tractor to take the cars back to the top of the run.
Neil Harper of Harper Aggregates said:
This is a great event and has a good turnout again this year.
We are always pleased to put our support behind it and it has been a great day. Unless people support events like this, they just won’t happen.
Also, there’s not many times you get to go so fast through Valley Gardens!
There were a few adjustments to the jump during race, as the safety officer deemed it to be too high and was causing too many spills. With a bit of re-working it was back in the race with the option of either going for the jump or taking a 3 second penalty and going around it. The rop racers were reaching around 40mph.
There were a few spills over the day, but the barriers did their job and the competitors were wearing leathers and helmets – so injuries reported!
The Harrogate Soap Box Derby Results
Innovative Design – Super Ted
Fastest run – Lambert Engineering
Best Dressed – Danger Mouse
Fastest Aggregate Score – Lambert Engineering

Lambert Engineering had the fasted soap box of the day, running a the design but together by the apprentices.
Ben Newby of Lambert Engineer said:
This is the 3rd year we have run this car that began life as an apprentice project.
We had some problems with it this year when the rivets gave up on base, but we managed to strap it up to finish a final run.
The car has done really well at other competitions such as Windmill Hill, Harewood and particular a win at Humber Bridge.