If you’ve ever felt daunted by the dusting, spare a thought for Edward and Joseph Smith! With just a week to go until the opening of England’s premier agricultural show, Edward and his student son are rolling up their sleeves and getting to work polishing the 220-plus trophies awarded during the Great Yorkshire Show.
More than 130,000 visitors are expected to flock to the 158th event, which runs from 12 Tuesday to 14 Thursday 2016 July in Harrogate.
And for Great Yorkshire Show Trophy Manager Edward, and his 25-year-old son Joseph, the next seven days will rush by in a blur of silver polish, yellow dusters and plenty of elbow grease!
Edward, who lives in Harrogate, has been Trophy Manager for the past decade – his daughter Kathryn, 28, has helped him over the years, and this time, Joseph has stepped in to help with the polishing preparations for the second year running.
Edward said:
The Yorkshire Agricultural Society has in excess of 220 trophies which are handed out during the three days of the Great Yorkshire Show. Our job is to not only get them back from last year’s winners, but to make sure they are all polished and ready, and in the correct show rings, at the right time, to be handed out to this year’s winners.

Meanwhile Show Director Charles Mills is busy preparing for his first year at the helm of the Great Yorkshire Show – by giving his bowler hat a brush to ensure it is in tip-top condition.
Charles took over the role of Show Director from Bill Cowling, who stepped down at the end of last year’s Great Yorkshire Show after a decade in the post.
The Great Yorkshire Show highlights the best of British farming and the countryside with more than 8,000 animals in the competitive classes. The showground’s new £11.5m exhibition hall will make its debut as a food emporium and elsewhere attractions include displays by the motorcycle display team, Bolddog Lings, as well as international show jumping, a Garden Show, Fashion Show and Art Show, as well as more than 1,300 stands selling everything from combine harvesters to jacuzzis.