John Harris, British Stronger IN Europe; North Yorkshire/Harrogate volunteers co-ordinating group:
a sustainable, safe, secure, prosperous future
The European Union is the most visionary political act of the dismal last century, which saw the devastation of lives and coluntries with WW1, WW2 and The Cold War. The 2012 Nobel Peace Prize citation graphically expresses the impact of the EU on Europe – the EU’s “60 year contribution to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights”. We have had the ,longest continuous period of peace ever amongst the 28 countries which form the EU. To desert this successful shared vision of independent sovereign states (that’s us ! Britain is part of it; this isn’t rule from an alien power based in Brussels) would be a betrayal of co-operation and mutual interest which has achieved all of this visionary change and, in addition, so much practically to promote in our mutual interest trade and development, consumer protection, criminal justice, safety and security, human and workers’ rights, environmental improvement, mutual support.
The single market of 500 customers benefits Britain – 44% of our exports go to a ‘home’ market, substantial inward investment/job creation attracted by the large home market, trade agreements with over 50 countries (soon covering 90% of the Commonwealth), new agreements with China, Japan, India and USA. At risk is our position with all these partners which want Britain in EU – mere Brexit assertions are not meaningful substantive evidence for our future and every country expressing a view wishes Britain to reamin in EU..
Our society’s priorities won’t disappear if we leave – affordable housing, education, NHS/care services, local services, infrastructure, secure/decent jobs, responsible capitalism, tax evasion, austerity, poverty and inequality, tolerance, and yes immigration policy (we control our borders; we choose who enters, to stay more than three months under EU freedom of movement you must have a job or be able to support yourself) – all of this is within Westminster control to tackle and there’s no
£ 350 million pw extra available as claimed by Brexit. We need the growth which EU membership stimulates.
We risk political turmoil if Brexit was to win (no confidence parliamentary votes, who would be in charge Johnson/Gove/ Farage/ Duncan Smith/ Galloway ?/ the government was only elected on the support of 36% of the votes cast so what happens ?), economic instability/uncertainty/ isolation (there is no clear knowledge of what ‘leave’ actually means with us being told nothing would change despite everything which experts warn; there would be a real risk of a run on the pound and recession). Brexit is a leap into the dark; recognising risk is not project fear but project reality.
Vote remain. Far better to have a future through partnership with those with whom we share our geopgraphy, our history and our culture.
Also see Harrogate leave campaigners – why we should leave the EU