The Harrogate stronger-in campaigners have erected a banner over Cambridge Street in Harrogate without the required permissions.
Harrogate Theatre and Harrogate Borough Council have confirmed that banners placed over the street are not their responsibility.
The theatre have said that any banners that have been put up for theatre shows will be by the groups running the shows.
The North Yorkshire County Council legal department have said that the necessary permission for the banner has not been sought and the banner will need to come down.
A spokesperson for North Yorkshire County Council said:
The banner has been installed without North Yorkshire County Council’s (as Highway Authority) authorisation.
The organisers of the Remain campaign have been asked to remove the banner.
Andrew Dennis from Harrogate and Knaresborough Vote Leave said:
I’m pleased to hear that North Yorkshire County Council did not give permission for this banner.
The ‘in’ campaign claims it didn’t realise it needed consent to display it in this way, yet they had sufficient grasp of the rules to report Vote Leave campaign to the police when they thought we had contravened those same rules and I’m sure they will remove it swiftly as they won’t want to flout any rules.
Over the last few weeks the out campaign has faced obstacles from Boroughbridge Town Council, Harrogate Borough Council and North Yorkshire County Council, when asking for permission to have a street stall.

Stronger in campaigner for Harrogate, John Harris said:
We have erected the banner in good faith and did not realise that we needed to seek permission from North Yorkshire County Council.
We have however gained permission from both Primark and TOPSHOP to put the banners up and we will now await contact from the County Council.
A spokesperson for TOPSHOP have said that they have not given approval for the sign to be put up.