Craven College in Skipton
Craven College in Skipton

Building better opportunities in Craven, Harrogate, Selby and York

Craven College has led a success Stage 1 application to the Big Lottery Fund to support ‘Pre-Troubled Families’ in the Craven, Selby, Harrogate and York areas.

The partnership project includes Colleges, Citizens Advice Bureaus, North Yorkshire County Council Children and Young People’s Service, Carer’s Resource, The Clock and Homestart.

As part of advancing to Stage 2 a development grant will support Craven College’s activity costs in developing the Stage 2 bid with its partners to make sure the activity meets local needs.

Across the partnership, we will appoint Key Workers for each of the 4 areas: Craven, Harrogate, Selby and York, ensuring dedicated support, coverage, and that local individuals with the right networks and links take on the roles. The Key Workers will focus on crisis resolution and enable the most disadvantaged people to access and navigate the services they need in order to address the immediate issues preventing them from entering the labour market and engaging in the community in which they live.

Lindsey Johnson, Director of Business and Community Development at Craven College’s Tyro said:

If successful this project funding will enable us to give a holistic programme of supportive interventions tailored to the individual’s needs and issues. It could include help with confidence building, health problems, budgeting, employability skills and training.

The project has been supported through the Building Better Opportunities programme, which is jointly funded by the Big Lottery Fund and the European Social fund.

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