Harrogate Grammar School Leavers head off to university after securing record breaking results

15 October 2015

Year 13 leavers at Harrogate Grammar School are starting their university courses this week after achieving record breaking results that place the Sixth Form at the very top of comprehensive schools in North Yorkshire. Harrogate Grammar School Sixth Form saw record breaking results with a total of 66 per cent of all A level grades being at A*-B.

Out of the 231 active applications to Higher Education, 103 students secured places at Russell Group universities with a further 20 students securing places at Bath, UEA, Goldsmiths, Lancaster, Leicester, Loughborough, St Andrews and Surrey. Four students secured places at Cambridge University and 8 students will begin their study of medicine. In addition, 6 students achieved places for competitive NHS funded courses in nursing and 1 student gained a place in Veterinary Science. 12 students successfully achieved the requirements to study in London at the London School of Economics, UCL, Imperial or Kings College.

Achieving 4 A*’s, Jamaal Mens and Andrew McFarthing both accepted offers at Cambridge. In addition, 8 students achieved 3 A*’s: Alice Bryant, Laura Edgar, Niamh McGarrell, Katt Weaver, Gemma White, James McAllister, James Robson and Alexander Stephanidies. The Mitchell triplets between them achieved an outstanding 10 A*’s and 2 A grades. Jack Mitchell has accepted an offer to study Medicine at Imperial College London, Tom Mitchell will be studying Engineering at Cambridge and Sam Mitchell will be studying Natural Sciences at Durham University.

Head Boy Jamaal Mens said:

There was a lot of build-up in the last weeks of term as everyone worked towards getting what they needed for their chosen courses. We benefited from a lot of team-work as well as an awful lot of support from our teachers, but it was still a relief to see the majority of students achieving the grades that they needed. We had an amazing year group and I wish everyone the best for the future.


Outside of applicants to Higher Education, Laura Whitely has successfully gained a place on the highly competitive Nestle Fast start programme:

I’m really looking forward to starting the Nestle Fast Programme this September. I will be employed by Nestle, gaining valuable on-the-job training whilst studying for a Business degree at Sheffield Hallam. I was really excited by the programme after Harrogate Grammar School invited Nestle to do a presentation. I then went on to apply, successfully achieving 1 of 6 places out of 250 candidates.


Head of Sixth Form, Mr Neil Renton, said:

It is very pleasing to see our students achieving such impressive results and this reflects the hard work and tenacity of our students, families and their teachers over many years.

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