Rossett School in Harrogate is celebrating after its GCSE students achieved another impressive set of exam results.
Over a quarter of the students entered for Mathematics, English Language and English Literature achieved either an A* or an A grade in these subjects.
Headteacher Helen Woodcock said:
The fact that 25 per cent of the results were A* and A awards is testament to the work that the students and staff have done this year, increasing the number of high grades in the core subjects.
Last year the national figures for A*/A grades in English and Mathematics were 15 per cent and 14 per cent respectively; Rossett students’ results are well above these national figures.
Modern Foreign Languages continued their success this year after being recognised for the last five years as being the best Languages Faculty in North Yorkshire for student progress. Rossett’s French results were 51 per cent at A*/A against a national figure of 24 per cent, with Spanish running a close second with 45 per cent of the grades awarded at A*/A grade, against a national figure of 29 per cent.
Head of Modern Foreign Languages Philippe Bourgeois said:
I am delighted that we not only secure a 100 per cent pass rate in all languages, year after year, but that we continue to regularly produce the gold standard A*/A passes for approximately half our languages students.
Overall, 96 per cent of students were awarded at least five GCSEs at A*-G and a total of 77 per cent of students achieved at least five A*-C grades.
Meanwhile, 68 per cent gained five passes including English and maths – the Government’s gold standard for GCSEs – and there was a five per cent rise in the number achieving the English baccalaureate (passes in English, maths, science, a foreign language and either history or geography) compared to 2014.
Ms Woodcock said:
Our students have worked exceptionally hard during their time with us and they thoroughly deserve their success.
The results they have achieved are a reflection of their dedication and determination, and we look forward to welcoming them back to the Sixth Form at Rossett where I am sure they will do equally as well in their post-16 studies.
Along with all the staff at Rossett, I am extremely proud of the results they have achieved, in line with our predicted expectations.
As well as strong overall results for the school, some individual students achieved particularly impressive grades.
Students who achieved at least 10 A* and A grades were:
Dylan Bahia, Laura Bailey-Elwen, Millie Bell, Polly Brown, Amelia Byrne, Dan Corazzi, Anna de Freitas, Adam Foy, Joe Gilmartin, Kathryn Leaver, Kate Lewis, Katie Lofthouse, Abbie Lowe-Smith, Sophie Maughan, Hannah Merrick, Lucy Oliver, Rosie Pawson, Harrison Prudames, Lauren Quandt, Emma Saville, Emilie Short, Robert Torrance, Ben Weate, Joel West, Georgia Woodhouse, Jasmine Zbogar-Ward.