Harrogate Grammar School Sixth Form saw record breaking results with a total of 64 per cent of all A level grades being at A*-B.
This shows an outstanding performance from the sixth form with 95% of all exam entries achieving an a A*-D.
An impressive 34% of grades were A*-A. The outcomes for their BTEC courses saw 75% of all results achieving the highest level of Distinction*.
Achieving 4 A*’s, Jamaal Mens and Andrew McFarthing both accepted offers at Cambridge.
In addition, the following students achieved 3 A*’s: Alice Bryant, Laura Edgar, Niamh McGarrell, Katt Weaver, Gemma White, James McAllister, James Robson and Alexander Stephanidies.
The Mitchell triplets have between them achieved an outstanding 10 A*’s and 2 A grades. Jack Mitchell has accepted an offer to study Medicine at Imperial College London, Tom Mitchell will be studying Engineering at Cambridge and Sam Mitchell will be studying Natural Sciences at Durham University.
The school has said that it is with great pride they congratulate and wish their students every success in their future endeavours.