Online support group set-up for Specific Language Impairment (SLI)

Elizabeth Campbell from Knaresborough has set-up a support group for adults with Specific Language Impairment (SLI)

SLI can cause significant difficulties with processing, remembering and understand spoken language.

People diagnosed with SLI can have difficulty in processing what is said to them.


Elizabeth said:

There is limited support for adults with S.L.I in Yorkshire and want to get people together to help each other.

I would also like professional and normal day to day people to be more aware off the condition.

A facebook group called: Adults with S.L.I (Specific Language Impairment) has been set-up.

Elizabeth said:

I was diagnosed a year ago and that why I want to raise awareness off it and hopefully find other adults with it to support each other.

Elizabeth can also be contacted by email adress is


  1. Well done to you for setting up this group. I run a support group in Ireland for parents of children with SLI. It is so little known about, we need more people spreading the word and raising awareness. I have a son with severe SLI and often wonder what it will be like for him when he is an adult.

  2. Hi Lizzie, I was wondering if your support group is still going?
    I work for LCHS in the children’s services speech and language therapy team. We are trying to get adult perspectives on support they had or wish they had received in childhood for their diagnosis? It’s for those 16+ I was wondering if you would be happy to complete this and distribute to others in your group
    Thank You
    Hayley Yeates

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