Public Consultation on new homes at St George’s Road

8 July 2015

Developers say that a public consultation to share plans for a proposed development of 100 new homes at the British Telecom Training Centre, St Georges Road, Harrogate was attended by more than 170 people on Tuesday evening (7 July 2015)

Future plans for the site include a mixture of housing from start-up homes to five bedroom houses.

Organised by national property consultancy Carter Jonas on behalf of developer Telereal Trillium, the event was an opportunity for locals to express their views ahead of plans being submitted to Harrogate Borough Council in the autumn.

Members of the project team were on hand to explain the proposals, answer any questions and gather the views of local residents at the exhibition of proposals held at Harrogate Cricket Ground.

Stephen Courier, senior planner at Carter Jonas said:  We have been working closely with Telereal Trillium to ensure the sympathetic development of this site which will offer much-needed new homes in this popular area of Harrogate.

The public consultation with the local community gave us the opportunity to outline the plans in detail, as well as answer any queries.

The evening generated a positive response and we are looking forward to progressing plans for the development of the site.

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