Youngsters from Harrogate independent prep school Belmont Grosvenor mingled with newly-elected MPs from across the UK when they visited the Houses of Parliament.
Pupils from the co-educational school on the outskirts of Harrogate, North Yorkshire, were lucky enough to visit London days after the General Election.
So while the Belmont Grosvenor youngsters were being given a tour around the Houses of Parliament, they rubbed shoulders with first-time MPs also being given their own tours of their new places of work!

For one Year 6 pupil, the trip to London was particularly special. Her grandfather John Crosse was the youngest person, at the time, ever to speak in the Houses of Parliament when he was just 12 years old.
The former Yorkshire Television announcer had been invited to speak on behalf of his school at a special 60th anniversary dinner in 1953 – and his granddaughter Mia Crosse was on the Belmont Grosvenor School trip this month.
Mr Crosse said: It was a very exciting time for me and I remember being nervous and feeling extremely honoured to be speaking in the Houses of Parliament. Now Mia has visited the Houses of Parliament herself, she can understand the story I told her about my trip there.
As well as a tour of the Houses of Parliament, pupils enjoyed a cruise on the River Thames down to north Greenwich and a trip on the London Eye.

Deputy Head Teacher Pam Dight, who organised the trip, said the London trip, for Year 6 pupils and members of the School Council, had been a great success.
Pam Dight said: We were lucky enough to visit on a very exciting day, when we met newly-elected MPs who were being shown around the Houses of Parliament for the first time themselves.
The children learned how democracy has evolved from the Magna Carta to the present day and found the whole experience fascinating.