Primary celebration of languages day at Harrogate Grammar School

2 June 2015

The same day that Jamie Oliver has called “Food Revolution Day” also marked the Celebration of Languages Day at Harrogate Grammar School and the theme of Healthy Living fitted in very well with the idea of the importance of diet and health for young people.

Pupils were welcomed from Rossett Acre, Oatlands, Pannal and Western Primary schools and Forest School who, with ten fantastic Harrogate Grammar School sports leaders from years 7-10, had lots of fun and excellent learning opportunities in an action packed timetable.

The event was opened for the first time in its history with greetings in French, Spanish, German, Italian and Chinese by Mr Tim Milburn, Director of Lower School. Music teacher, Ms Segal accompanied on the guitar by a Harrogate Grammar School student, taught a reflective song in English and German to mark the 70 anniversary of the ending of the Second World War. Performances in foreign languages of songs, dances and a film with sign language by the primary school pupils had everyone up on their feet applauding.

When the pupils started to follow the carousel of languages the hardest part was removing them from each practice room as they were having so much fun in their groups trying their hand at each of the languages on offer. The cross curricular approach of PE and music ensured fitness, numeracy, culture and reflection as well as a lot of fun!

Alissa Reilly, MFL Co-ordinator from Westerm Primary school said: The best part of the morning was the Carousel of Language activities, it gave the opportunity for the children to try a new language, and develop a love for learning a language. The children particularly loved the language lab and can’t wait to use it in lessons when they move up to Harrogate Grammar School. Italian also proved very popular with the children. Personally, I relish the chance to have a go at Chinese each year as it’s the one language I know absolutely nothing about at all!

Harrogate Grammar School say they look forward to welcoming the new generation of pupils in September and to growing our language links with the MAT schools as well as those nurtured as part of the Modern Foreign Languages partnership.

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