Three youngsters were definitely ready for the off at the Great Yorkshire Showground with an early warm up for England’s premier agricultural event next month.
The three will all be competing in the Shetland Pony Grand National which takes place in the Main Ring at the Great Yorkshire Show. Ten year old Evie Hole-Todd, her cousin, 11 year old Ruby Todd and Charlotte Tindale aged 11 and their Lilliputian mounts reveled in the opportunity to try out a fence in the famous arena which has hosted such famous names as showjumping royalty John and Michael Whitaker. Dates for the show are Tuesday 14 – Thursday 16 July when around 135,000 visitors are expected through the gates.
The trio all train in Yorkshire and will be amongst youngsters from across the country hoping to qualify at Harrogate for a place in the final at Olympia, The London International Horse Show in December.

Bill Cowling, Show Director said: We are delighted to welcome back the Shetland Pony Grand National and our Main Ring is a wonderful setting for it. The commitment and enthusiasm of the children on their feisty ponies has to be seen to be believed!
Mrs Beryl Oakes will be the competition judge and Sebastian Garner and Vera Akehurst are the co-ordinators.
Elsewhere at the Great Yorkshire Show there are competitive classes with around 13,000 entries, more than 1,200 trade stands with everything from combine harvesters to designer clothing and plenty of hands on demonstrations of country skills.