A North Yorkshire charity has received a prestigious award in recognition of the work it does supporting the growing numbers of people affected by dementia.
Dementia Forward, which is only two and a half years old, was presented with the Duke of York’s Community Initiative Award, which recognises the valuable work of community groups across Yorkshire.
The awards are given to groups which give “real value to the community, are well run and an inspiration to others”.
Dementia Forward is a small charity doing a big job supporting hundreds of families and raising much needed awareness of dementia, which is often a misunderstood illness.
Pauline Whitehead, Chair of Dementia Forward said: We are thrilled to receive this award and will be proud to display it on our literature. We all feel proud to be recognised for the contribution that we make to the community. We’ve really gone from strength to strength; It is a real team effort.
Dementia Forward exists for, and because of the local community. It relies on the generosity of the wider community to support its work through donations, volunteers and raising awareness.
Jill Quinn, CEO of Dementia Forward said: From the outset Dementia Forward has been about connecting with the community so it was a thrill to receive an award with the words Community initiative in the title. As with anything Dementia Forward does this has been a team effort and I include our service users in that. People who use our services are a part of their design and therefore a part of our success. It is wonderful to be acknowledged for the work so far and it motivates us for the work that lies ahead.