Dirty Stops Out – nights out and World Cupping Finals with Dj Trev | Harrogate Informer

Dirty Stops Out – nights out and World Cupping Finals with Dj Trev

12 June 2014

If you’ve not noticed, there is a World Cup starting today.

It’s up there in Brazil, and features over ten teams from around the worlds competing to win the coveted Jules Verne Trophy, by scoring more offsides than the other team. I guess most places are showing the games, I could pad out this column by listing them all, but since everyone I know who is cool already has their wall chart up (and in some cases have written in their predicted scores) I will merely include a link to the BBC who, because of the unique way they are funded off of your TV licence, have found time to make a page listing all the games: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/world-cup/fixtures

In town I know that Revolution will be showing all the England games WITH Commentary in the front bar, whilst keeping it “business as usual” in the main room, which is pretty similar to what will be going on at Rehab. On Saturday for England’s opener the game is live with commentary on the top floor, whilst downstairs the residents will be playing dance music and whatever else they normally play at 11pm. This works for me cos I’m working the top floor that night and if I’d had to DJ whilst the game was on it would have been an even more half arsed affair than it normally is. But usually I at least give 100% attention to TRYING to not have an awkward gap in between songs, unless of course an attractive girl is messaging me on facebook telling me politely but firmly to leave her alone which hardly ever happens. Before the game at Rehab Liam Grey is playing one of his acoustic anthems sets in the build up, which A) should be pretty cool, and 2) means I have even less actual work to do. J. Up on Commercial Street Retro Bar has got Selby Green playing around the game, so that’s another good option if you fancy live music and footy as a combo.

When the gods of responsible drinking got together to plan this years Red Letter Days, I can only imagine their mirth as the god of fights in kebab shops, ‘Ulukkin Atmabird’ said to the god of moderation, ‘Drinkalotticus’: “England’s first game in the world cup is a Saturday night at 11pm. And guess what? It’s the SAME DAY as Bed Race Day”. Personally, I think this should be a pretty good test run for whatever the Tour de France thing has in store for us, with the exception that people taking part will probably not look quite as good in lycra. If you are going to Bed Race day, it’s well worth going up to Henshaws Arts & Crafts Centre, as they are holding “BedFest” again this year. There are 3 (T.H.R.E.E.) stages this year, with music starting at 12pm. There’s too many acts playing for me to list them all, but my particular top 3 recommendations would be 1) Hell Fire Jack 2) Red Ocean Nectar 3) Oscilantern and A) Set Sails. I’m not going to tell you their set times as I really would advise you to go all day if you can. There is plenty going on, with Poetry from Release the Hounds and Grafitti from Tommings, plus I’m compèring the main stage in the afternoon and Mikey from Harrogate Noise is doing it in the evening. Here is a bit of a review I did for the event last year, but bear in mind I’ll be there this year spoiling it for everyone by playing music no one likes in-between the bands on the main stage til 7pm. https://www.harrogate-news.co.uk/2013/06/10/bedfest-2013-knaresborough-dj-trevs-the-glass-is-half-full-half-a-review/ . It’s worth pointing out that some of the roads will be closed in Knaresborough form 12 until 5, so sort your travel plans out, if, unlike me, you can’t afford a Helicopter piloted by play boy bunnies to get you between your big Saturday gigs.

If you happen to be in York on Saturday, there is a Carnival on and in the City Centre local Dj Rory Hoy is playing. He’s been doing some big name remixes recently and things seem to be going very well for the guy, which is great for him and I’m not even remotely jealous.
People who have been avidly following my romancefail with that Model I’ve been trying it on with will be excited to hear that this week I will be mainly concentrating my stalking efforts on a different girl entirely. Hannah Aldridge is playing at The Blues Bar this week on Tuesday. I was meant to go and see Pete Oliver there last Tuesday (cos he runs their excellent Open Mic night on Monday, excellently), but somehow managed to get confused and arrive too late – in my defense, liquors had drunkened me – but I’m really looking forward to seeing Hannah Aldridge and I WILL NOT miss it, as she plays really awesome deep south Country for y’all, and is, it has to be said, much fitter than Pete Oliver. The Blues has, as ever, got loads of live music on; so if, let’s say, you are in need of something to help you recover from a long lush day and night on Saturday, they have music all day there on Sunday. Kwame D play the afternoon, Oblivion in the evening and Nina and the Red Sky at night, so shepherds will be delighted.

There’s a couple of other places doing music in the afternoon now, Dan Burnette is playing both of them. Dan is really good but sometimes when he wears his little hat he reminds me of a young R.R. Martin. I know he can play the harmonica at the SAME TIME as playing the piano, and sometimes when I see him I’m like “Khaleesi, when are you going to get out your harmonica?” or something. I’m not entirely sure this Game of Thrones analogy is working, but still, you can see Dan Burnette play The Den on Saturday afternoon and Pitcher and Piano on Sunday afternoon, both quality places and Dan is really good.
Bilton Working Men’s Club has got a Northern Soul night on this Friday and there are a load of other fun things in the listings just below, but, such is the Rock n’ Roll nature of being a “successful” DJ, I now need to go and buy a new washing machine, as mine has started making a noise worse than Rihanna.
THURSDAY 12th June
Blues Bar, live music from The Resonators, Free entry.
Lure Bar, Dj Trev’s Quiz of crapness. Followed by, of his own invention, the Patented “Crap Disco”, with party, 80’s, pop, cheesy rock, soul, swing and shoddiness.
Viper Rooms Nightclub YOLO R’n’B nigh.
Rehab Nightclub with Dj Tex. “Urban R’n’B”.
The Alexandra, Live music, free entry.
Christies Bar, Pub quiz with Sean McGrath.
Punch Bowl, Marton-cum-Grafton, Dan Burnette Live, free entry.
FRIDAY 13th June
Lure Bar, Shuffle with Toby Skinner. House, Breaks & Funk.
Bilton Working Men’s Club, Northern Soul night.
Blues Bar, Live music with The Blue Bishops. Free Entry.
Moko Lounge, Shakalakaboom club night with a weird name.
Lure Bar, Shuffle with Dj Sixus, Funk, House & Breaks.
Rehab Nightclub, “Electro Circus” dance Night.
SATURDAY 14th June
Engalnd v’s Italy, kick off 11pm PACE YOURSELVES!
Knaresborough Bed Race, High Street & Bon End Closed between 12.30 & 5pm.
Henshaws Arts & Crafts Center, BedFest, 12pm til 11.30pm, Acoustic music, poetry & Graf ‘til 4pm, bands across 3 stages ‘til close.The Den, Saturday Afternoon live: Dan Burnette, 5pm
The Blues Bar, live music from Jed Thomas Blues Band, Free entry.
The Regency, live music from M.O.A.B. plus guest by invitation.
Revolution Bar, front bar Dj Tex (Soul & R’n’B), main room Disco Dave (upfront dance and chart) free entry.
York Carnival, City Centre, including Dj Rory Hoy.
Rehab nightclub, two floors of music: Top Floor : from 8pm Liam Grey & Friends, followed by England v’s Italy on the BIG screen, then Dj Trev ‘til 4am with Bottom of the Bottle Rock Night. Downstairs: Dance music with Dj Wayne & James. Free entry.
Retro Bar, live music from Selby Green before AND after the big game.
Vipers Rooms Nightclub Dj Angel Lee & The Legendary Neil Jaques playing tunes for upfront clubbing upstairs, Harvey Westwood downstairs.
Christies Pub, Sean McGrath’s Cheesy disco, free entry.
SUNDAY 15th June
Blues Bar, live all Day. Kwame D 3pm, Oblivion 6pm & Nina and the Red Sky 9pm.
Pitcher & Piano, live music from Dan Burnette, 3pm.
Rehab nightclub, Dj Trev’s Sunday Social.
Viper Rooms. Peek-a-Boo R’n’B night.
Hales Pub, live acoustic night.
Fat Badger, Cold Bath Road, Pub Quiz.
MONDAY 16th June
The Harlow Inn, Otley road, Pub Quiz.
So! Bar, Otley Road, Pub Quiz.
Rehab, late bar.
Blues Bar, fully hosted fully entertaining open mic session, hosted by Pete Oliver.
Moko Lounge nightclub, Karaoke.
TUESDAY 17th June
The Blues Bar live music with Hannah Aldridge, Free entry.
Billy Ocean live at The Royal Hall.
The Tap n’ Spile pub, folk night.
Pitcher & Piano Re:Session cheap drinks night.
Rehab, Open Deck Session.
Moko Lounge Nightclub, “Skint” main room upfront dance and electro, VIP Room Rock Box Rock night Dj Jaye Selway.
Revolution Bar, “Back to Rev’s” House Night, Half Price Drinks with Toby Skinner.
Coach and Horses Pie and Peas night with proceeds to Martin’s House Children’s Hospice.
The Harlow Pub “Midweek Madness” pub quiz with Dj Tim Paul.
Pitcher & Piano Quiz night from 8pm. Free for new teams or £1.50 PP.
The Regency Pub, big screen quiz.
Rehab nightclub, Dj Max Czernic. Harrogate’s next big hair?
The Blues Bar, live music from the Paul Middleton Angst band .
Usually at this stage I write this paragraph, or similar: “This is still largely the same closing paragraph I used the week before last week AND the week before AND aaaaand the week before that. Pretty much since the dawn of time actually. Let’s face it, you’ve stopped reading already. I mean, I’ve said “you’ve stopped reading already haven’t you?” for the last 6 months and not one person has said “yes I have stopped reading” or better yet (but yet to happen) “No, I always read it to the end, give me a free t-shirt”. Instead all I get is people rinsing me on my punctuation. Should you wish to listen to some of my actual Dj’ing from the comfort of your own home, you can do that at Mixcloud.com/djtrevuk but really I’d much rather you can out and partied, not for my financial gain you understand, but for your emotional wellbeing.” HOWEVER last week Lisa Brittain left a comment saying “Since I may actually get a rare chance to visit you on a night out this week: “No, I always read it to the end, give me a free t-shirt”!!! Yes, I know, I’m hilarious” and then she wrote a smiley face which was lovely, so congratulations to Lisa who wins a T-Shirt. Now I suppose I’d better go back through previous weeks to see if anyone actually left other comments, as I didn’t get any kind of notification about it, I only happened to notice it whilst methodically and fanatically checking how many “likes” I’d got, which I “hardly ever” do.
Thanks for reading, drink responsibly and don’t be loose with your affections.
Trev x x x


  1. no worries Lisa, glad you managed to make it all the way through again, I usually stop reading by the second punct;ation error myself :)

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