Taylor Wimpey has recently submitted plans for 124 homes to be built on green space at Crag lane, adjacent to The Pinewoods and RHS Harlow Carr. This is the area of land adjacent to the Harlow Carr overflow car park and extends to existing houses on Harlow Pine and Plantation road.
The Pinewoods Conservation Group (PCG) has submitted a formal objection to the Crag Lane housing development.
The group has considered the Ecological and Bio Diversity elements of the plans and has raised a number of concerns. These include the risk to protected species of bats that are resident within the Pinewoods as well as the impact on the various birds and wildlife around the proposed site.
Secretary Michelle Whitfield-Speed said: After careful consideration of the plans, and with a direct impact on The Pinewoods we had no option but to submit a formal objection. There is clear evidence that the surrounding environment and wildlife will be severely impacted should this planning be approved.
The land in question is not earmarked for development in the Local Development Framework and is designated as a special landscape area. As such we call on Harrogate Council to reject this application.
The conservation group are asking those with an interest in this development to join the Pinewoods Conservation Group via www.pinewoodsconservationgroup.org.uk/how-join
Mark Leigh, managing director, Taylor Wimpey North Yorkshire said: The proposed plans for land at Harlow Grange have been prepared paying careful attention to local concerns in order to ensure that the new homes fully integrate with and complement their surroundings.
As well as being deliverable and sustainable, the proposed scheme comprises a mix of properties including private and social tenures and significant areas of managed open space.
Significantly, the plans would help to provide the district with much needed new housing.
The consultation process for the Outline Planning Application is ongoing and we would encourage interested parties to view the application plans at the earliest opportunity.
Don Mackenzie, Borough Councillor for Harlow Moor said:
This represents the fourth greenfield site put forward for development for West and North West Harrogate.
The others application are for 210 homes on Skipton road, 600 on Pennypot lane and 450 on Cardale Park.
I believe that these applications are premature, coming in advance of the public examination of HBC’s Sites and Policies DPD (Development Plan Document) by a government inspector and their consideration of the thousands of responses from members of the public to the consultation last year.
Also, this piece of land is not included in the submission of the draft Development Plan Document.