At its meeting on 12th February 2014, North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority will be considering a detailed report setting out a proposed budget for 2014/2015.
The Authority will be considering a range of options which may be available to it, from a freeze on Council Tax to an increase of 8.05%. Details on how these options would affect households is available on their website under News & Events/ Public Consultations,
The options represent views on what is required to maintain the service for the future.
The Authority has stressed that it is not proposing any reductions in front line emergency services in 2014/15 whatever council tax level is agreed.
They would like the public’s views on these proposals.
To give us feedback on the options please email, or leave a comment on our Facebook page North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service, or send us a message on Twitter @NorthYorksFire by the 31st January 2014.