The Harrogate District Businesses against Crime Partnership (HDBAC) has recently undergone accreditation for the Safer Business Award and has achieved it with distinction.
The Safer Business Award (SBA) is the nationally recognised standard for Business Crime Partnership’ which shows that a partnership is operating lawfully, in accordance with the Data Protection Act (DPA) and national codes of practice and advice which are designed to promote effective partnership work.
An accreditation requires the partnership to produce evidence in relation to partnership management and structure, data protection and data management, key performance indicators and management information, operations and supplementary evidence to support partnership performance.
The assessment was undertaken by Michael Schuck, Operations Director from the Association of Business Crime Partnerships. This involved scrutiny of the policies and procedures that have been put in place to support the partnership and interviews with the lead officers Julia Stack, Community Safety & CCTV Manager and Chris Chelton, Radiolink Coordinator for Harrogate Borough Council.
The assessment highlighted good practice which included HDBAC featuring in a DVD production relating to the council’s enhanced CCTV facilities which promoted the partnership and explained its purpose to a wider audience; and the investment in a digital radio network which has improved communication with members.

In awarding the Safer Business Award with the level of a distinction, Michael Schuck said:
This is an excellent small partnership which has integrated itself into the local community safety strategy and provides a valued service to its members, the community, police and other agencies. It provides intelligence to those groups who would not normally be in a position to receive it, and this helps to manage crime and anti-social behaviour more effectively, thus reducing the need for more costly police and criminal justice interventions in a number of cases.
Councillor Margaret Atkinson, Harrogate Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Public Protection thanks everyone involved as they can take credit for this accreditation. She added:
Preparing for the accreditation is only one part of the process, providing a consistent quality service to our business customers is our priority. This is done by linking the shops, pubs and clubs to the CCTV control room via a digital radio, providing timely intelligence and tackling those individuals who spoil our towns through shoplifting, antisocial behaviour and drunken behaviour
Jeremy Ambrose Chair of HDBAC is delighted by the award:
Our local scheme is successful because of the interaction with the businesses. The Harrogate district is a safe place and there is a commitment to keep it that way. I am sure the partnership will go from strength to strength and look forward to welcoming new members to the scheme.