Western Primary visit ancient Egypt in Harrogate

19 September 2013

An early September journey back in time took Western Primary Year 3/4 children back to the Land of the Pharaohs. The pupils visited the Harrogate Pump Rooms where they house a collection of Ancient Egyptian artefacts, allowing the children to interact and study first hand objects from that distant time and place, bringing learning to life.

The educational experience continued with a short walk to the Mercer Gallery where an informative and entertaining presentation and discussion enhanced the pupil’s knowledge of this wonderful subject.


To round off the visit, a gruesome ritual of mummification was re-created for the children. Willing volunteers were not in short supply when assistance was required to complete the process, which was accomplished amid much mirth and enthusiasm.

Year 3/4 teacher Ms Smith said:

We are studying Ancient Egypt this term. It is wonderful we have such an excellent collection from Ancient Egypt so close to the school, allowing the children to experience their education in such an interactive way, learning through the dynamic curriculum we provide at Western Primary.

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