Year 10 and 11 pupils from across Yorkshire will have the opportunity to gain invaluable insights on how to get Oxbridge places at a conference at Harrogate Ladies’ College this Saturday, 14th September.
Dr Joe Organ and Miss Jenny O’Hare of Oxford and Cambridge universities, respectively, will lead a day of hands-on seminars and breakout sessions designed to give anyone even thinking about applying for Oxbridge a very clear idea of what it is the universities are looking for in a potential candidate.
The day will begin with Dr Organ and Miss O’Hare giving an introduction to the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. This will be followed by breakout sessions led by current undergraduates of the two universities and a panel discussion facilitated by Mr Richard Tillett, Harrogate Ladies’ College Assistant Head (Head of Sixth Form).

After lunch, attendees will be given clear guidance on the way the application process works and talk about GCSEs and A-level choices and the wider reading pupils should be looking to undertake.
Mr Richard Tillett, Harrogate Ladies’ College Assistant Head (Head of Sixth Form), said:
The Year 10-11 Oxbridge Conference aims to give pupils and parents a sense of the reality, rather than the myth, of life at our two most famous universities.
It will discuss entry procedures and what the universities look for in applicants, including the important issue of A level subject choice.
Given that the two universities do look for different qualities from those of many other institutions, it is important that pupils are made aware of their approaches before they reach the Sixth Form.
Harrogate Ladies’ College is a school providing a high quality academic education for boys and girls between two and eleven years of age and for girls only between eleven and eighteen.
The school has begun the academic year with Mrs Sylvia Brett as its new Principal.