Young entrepreneurs in Harrogate thinking of applying for loans of up to £10,000 from the Government’s Start Up Loan Scheme can now get advice at a new drop-in centre.
The £112m scheme, headed up by former ‘dragon’ James Caan, provides finance and mentoring for people aged between 18-30 to kick-start their businesses.
The scheme is being delivered by a number of Delivery Partners, including who will assist applicants with their business plans and vet loan applications, approving Start-up Loans where appropriate.

The studio within Loyalty Matters business at 104 Station Parade is the drop-in centre for Harrogate.
Carolyn Saddington, from Loyalty Matters, said:
This is a great way to help young people in our town start a business. Our customers already include lots of businesses which are taking their first steps so this was a natural fit for us.
As well as providing finance, a key element of the Start-Up Loan Scheme is business mentoring. This begins with helping with the business plan before the loan is approved, along with on-going mentoring over the first year. was founded by the entrepreneur Tony Rafferty at the age of 24 with a £3,000 loan from his father, operating from home with only a computer, a laser printer and a fax machine. The company is now listed on AIM and has global operations. hopes to help approximately 200 entrepreneurs, not just from the creative sector but all business start-ups in the next year, and the overall scheme aims to support 45,000 young business people by 2015.
Entrepreneurs interested in the Start Up Loan Scheme should visit or email for further information.