A Harrogate business that designs and makes bespoke homemade gifts, such as children’s name plaques and Mr & Mrs Signs has started receiving orders from as far afield as Australia and enquiries from the United States, having only started trading two months ago.
Little Red’s Homemade Gifts is the brain child of Sarah-Lou Harper. Sarah-Lou established the business in April and has since taking the leap-of-faith of handing in her notice with her current employers to go full time with the business, after only a month.

Sarah-Lou said:
It’s amazing to think that something that started as a way of earning a little extra money has taken off so quickly, to think that people in the US are interested in our products is absolutely fantastic.
Demand for Little Red’s Homemade Gifts has taken off so quickly that a local shop in Harrogate – Butterfly Kisses approached Sarah-Lou to ask if she would stock samples of her products in the shop.
Sarah-Lou said:
It’s surreal to think that after only two months our products could be in a town centre shop window, it’s really exciting to be working with Butterfly Kisses, they were already one of my favourite shops.
To date the majority of Little Red’s orders have come via their Facebook page- www.facebook.com/littleredshomemadegifts .
The business is named after the real little red, Isla Harper (Sarah-Lou and her husband Dan’s daughter) who is 8 months old and inspired Sarah-Lou to start the business in the first place.