Schoolboy’s business idea raises £200 for green projects

16 May 2013


It may not be April, but there are still plenty of showers around to keep Belmont Grosvenor schoolboy George Huber in business!

The 10-year-old, a pupil at the ‘outstanding’ co-educational prep school on the edge of Harrogate, came up with a business idea even Sir Alan Sugar would be proud of when he decided to raise money.

As vice-chairman of Belmont Grosvenor’s Eco Action Team, George, a pupil in Year 6, wanted to do his bit to fund renewable energy projects at the school.

So, after carrying out some initial research amongst parents and staff, George hit on the plan to sell custom-made Belmont Grosvenor School umbrellas to raise money for the Eco club.

After sourcing a suitable manufacturer, George negotiated a price, chose the colour and placed his order for 50 BGS golf umbrellas.

And the umbrellas proved so popular he sold out within days – and raised £200 for the Eco Action Team.

George, who lives close to the Swarcliffe Hall, Birstwith, school, is delighted by his fund-raising efforts – and hopes the money will be put towards helping provide a renewable energy source for the school.

George said:

I like the idea of getting a small wind turbine for the school, or a solar panel, but we needed to raise some money first to help pay for something like that

Because it’s always raining, I thought a Belmont Grosvenor School umbrella would be a great idea.

We had 50 of the umbrellas made and I didn’t expect to sell them all, but they went really well, and everyone thought it was a great idea. I’m really pleased and we have raised a good amount of money too.

George’s dad Michael is very proud of his son’s business acumen.

Michael said:

George is very passionate about the Eco Action Team and, with this being his final year at Belmont Grosvenor, he was determined to raise money and leave his legacy at the school.

We got some quotes for umbrellas, decided on our pricing structure, placed the order and then most of them were sold out within 2 days. George did really well.


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Anne Harrison, co-ordinator of the school’s Eco Action Team, said:

George has always shown a good understanding of environmental issues and this year had led the eco team on several projects.

His determination to see this latest project to fruition has been incredible and we are very grateful for his exceptional contribution.

Belmont Grosvenor School, along with its Magic Tree Nursery, is set in 20-acres of grounds just three miles from Harrogate and caters for children from three months to 11 years.

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