A grant from the Yorkshire Young Achievers Foundations has helped a Ripon youngster to see life from a new perspective.
Eight-year-old Doroteo Ronda Perez of Aismunderby Road has Cerebral Palsy and uses a wheelchair. His family has been fund raising to buy him a tandem wheelchair bike so that he can go on family bike rides.
They had already raised £1,180 when the Foundation stepped in to pay the rest of the cost of the specialist tandem which features a detachable wheelchair unit at the front and six gears for the rider to tackle different road types.
Doroteo’s mum, Stacey, said:
He is absolutely thrilled with it.
It gives him a lot of freedom to get out and about.
The family, including Doroteo’s six-year-old sister, Carmen Ann, hope to be able to take to the road together in the summer holidays but, in the meantime, Doroteo is planning to ride to Harrogate with his dad, also Doroteo, for an event on the Stray.
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Yorkshire Young Achievers Foundation Trustee Nick Lawson met Doroteo to find out how he liked his new transport.
Doroteo said:
It was brilliant to see him able to take part in a typical family activity and he is loving every minute of it.
The Foundation aims to help youngsters like Doroteo to get the most from life and his new tandem is certainly helping him to do that.
The grant is the latest in a series from the Foundation which supports young people and projects benefiting them across the Yorkshire region.
Much of the funding distributed comes from the annual Yorkshire Young Achievers Awards, which have now raised almost £950,000 in their 20-year history. Anyone who would like to apply for a grant can visit www.yorkshireyoungachievers.co.uk to see the criteria.