Staff at one of the country’s best-preserved medieval castles have been putting the finishing touches to a number of new attractions ahead of this year’s opening weekend. (Saturday, February 16)
Bolton Castle, situated in the heart of Wensleydale, opens its 2013 season on Saturday morning with archery, hawk and owl displays, and a visit from “living historians” who will spend two days and nights eating, sleeping and working within the fortress.

New interpretation boards – including a timeline of the castle’s history and a family tree, which traces the ownership of the castle from Sir Richard le Scrope, Lord Chancellor of England to Richard II, right through to the current owner, Lord Bolton – have also been installed within the lobby
Bolton Castle General Manager Katie Boggis said:
Over the winter months, we have been busy preparing and planning for the coming year in order to make Bolton Castle a must- visit attraction.
The castle, which was once the ‘prison’ of Mary Queen of Scots, is alive with history, and we want visitors to feel the moment they step through the doors that they are being transported back in time.
We have plenty of activities for children too. They are able to dress in costume to explore the Castle and have a go at calligraphy, Tudor board games and more.
We have also carried out a very early spring clean, which has seen us cleaning the armour, varnishing floors in the bed chambers and decorating the tea room.
The weekend itinerary is below:
10.30 – Archery demonstration and Have a Go! (Courtyard)
11.00 – Hawk & Owl Display (Courtyard)
13.00 – Falcon Display (Meet by Main Car Park Entrance)
14.45 – Hawk & Owl Display (Courtyard)
15.15 – Archery Demonstration and Have a Go! (Courtyard)
16.00 – Falcon Display (Meet by Main Car Park Entrance)
17.00 – Last Admission
17.30 – Castle Closes