A North Yorkshire property stylist has joined forces with a number of other experts in the field to create a network of “House Doctors” across Northern England and Northern Ireland.
Hazel Curtis from Harrogate is one of nine qualified advisors who have launched The Northern Home Stagers, with the aim of pooling their knowledge to offer advice to home owners looking into making their properties more sellable.

Hazel and her colleagues – who are located in The Wirral, Cheshire, Lancashire, Northern Ireland and Newcastle Upon Tyne – have been trained in their art by TV House Doctor Ann Maurice, and are all members of the Property Styling Network.
Hazel said:
We have launched The Northern Home Stagers with the sole aim of helping home owners across this part of the United Kingdom to sell their properties in the shortest time possible, and, more importantly, for the best price too.
When it comes to selling your property, you need to ensure it is instantly appealing to the prospective buyer. The key is to remember you are not selling your lifestyle, you are just selling your house.
Our role in the sales process is to give honest and impartial advice. On occasions this can be slightly unpalatable for the home owner to hear, but they want to sell their property at the asking price or as close to it as possible.
It may be the first impressions that count the most, starting from the garden and the front door. Or it may be about defining the spaces and creating a vision for the buyer.
There are so many small things that can make a big difference, especially in the current market conditions. If you were doing a ‘drive-by viewing’, would the property’s exterior have potential purchasers reaching for their phone?
When it comes to the interior, remember viewers are not buying practicality, they are buying their dream home. It’s our job to ensure they can see themselves living in it.
Further information about The Northern Home Stagers, the individual House Doctors and helpful hints, can be found at www.northernhomestagers.co.uk