A consortium of practicing Yorkshire criminal lawyers has launched a niche on-line law firm specialising in defending driving and motoring cases.
Northern Motoring Lawyers is the brainchild of criminal solicitor Ismael Uddin and lawyer Tony Kehoe.

Mr Uddin said the new service had been developed to meet a growing need for easier access to legal representation for those charged with road traffic offences.
Mr Uddin said:
It has been designed specifically for people who want to keep the amount of time they take off work to attend solicitors’ appointments to a minimum and would rather communicate by email, text and phone calls outside normal office hours but still want their case handled personally rather than having to go through a call centre.
Mr Uddin, who specialises in preparing serious motoring cases for Crown Court trial, said the firm had secured the services of motoring and criminal lawyers from across Yorkshire to advise clients on all types of motoring offences from points and bans to more complex cases such as dangerous driving.
Mr Uddin added:
The loss of Legal Aid funding for cases like these and the growth of virtual law firms offering cut price services means people are looking for low cost options when fighting motoring offences but they still need the expertise of a criminal lawyer to tell them what is and isn’t possible and how they should approach their defence.
We wanted to create something that was easily accessible but still offered sound legal advice and the option to prepare a more detailed case for the courts where necessary.
Mr Uddin said the firm was looking to develop a corporate client base in addition to its work with individuals and was currently in talks with a number of haulage firms and businesses with field-based staff.