Tax refund alert scam | Harrogate Informer

Tax refund alert scam

22 August 2012

Trading Standards have been informed by Yorkshire residents that they are receiving new e-mails, purporting to be from HMRC, offering a tax rebate.

The e-mails state that, in order to process the refund, recipients should confirm their bank details. Residents are advised not to click on the links. The e-mail is not from HMRC.  If people receive such e-mails they should forward them to and then delete the e-mail.

Cllr Dafydd Williams, Cabinet Member for Crime and Stronger Communities, said:

HMRC would not inform customers of a tax rebate via e-mail nor ask people to disclose personal information. We urge people not to visit any website link within the unsolicited e-mails or disclose any personal or payment information.

The information being asked for is highly likely to be used for fraudulent purposes.

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