Calling all business: MP issues invites to Broadband conference

22 August 2012

Harrogate and Knaresborough MP, Andrew Jones, is inviting local businesses to go to the second Broadband North Yorkshire conference on Saturday 29 September.

The event, held at Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal Visitor Centre, is an opportunity for BT and North Yorkshire County Council to talk in detail about their plans to roll out high speed broadband and focuses particularly on encouraging businesses to make better use of the web.

This year the conference, supported by Skipton Building Society and the National Trust, is made up of a series of briefing sessions at different times of the day.

Andrew, who is co-hosting the event with other North Yorkshire MPs, believes it is a great opportunity for businesses to learn how they will benefit from the new high-speed broadband roll-out announced last month.

Andrew Jones said:

The conference comes hot on the heals of the announcement of a £50 million roll-out of high speed broadband which will see 90 per cent of premises benefiting from more than 25mbs and businesses need to know how to best utilise this service.

The North Yorkshire MP team has been lobbying for long term investment in broadband as it is a key ingredient for economic growth in our area.

Anyone wishing to attend the conference should contact Andrew on: for more information and an application form.


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